Trocar Tecidos - Filtro Prensa

by J.P. Processamento Mineral



Due to the need to better control the efficiency and useful life of fabrics and plates in the Press Type filters in mining, the difficulty in generating histories was evaluated and often printed sheets are used that get lost, get wet or disappear.To alleviate this problem, this application was created mainly because the filtering operations are often separated from the Ore beneficiation operations and the absence of workstations or these are more remote locations.The application allows you to enter the day, month, shift, which filter was replaced, which plate was replaced, enter the reason for the replacement and mark where the damage occurred for damage frequency statistics (statistics are not included in the app).Everything is stored in the application and can be consulted by day, by month, by shift, by license plate and can be selected and sent via popular messaging application, choosing the contact to which to send.Simple and practical but very efficient.